Business Consulting

Connect to success

Swiss Consulting Guru offers services for SME’s, Expats and English speakers in Switzerland.

Since 2011, Swiss Consulting Guru has over 100 satisfied customers.

Consulting in Strategy, Marketing, HR, IT, Accounting and Taxes helps us, to see the whole picture of any business. Starting from the numbers, we consult you in any fields. Where necessary, we work together with specialists. Combined and connected, we can offer you consulting from the most detail-oriented questions to the big picture.

Swiss Consulting Guru sees the strengths of each personality and combines them to a successful team. Together, we create the impossible.

Swiss Consulting Guru connects to success.

Cosy has helped me for years with my taxes, and is always efficient, personal and professional. Getting to know Cosy, I see that he has a wealth of knowledge and ideas that he applies to build virtuous circles in the world.

Dr. Bruce Leon Yoder

Swiss Consulting Guru (SCG) helped me optimize my tax declaration. SCG handled my request with great flexibility and produced high quality results within a short turnaround time. It was a pleasure to work with SCG and I can highly recommend SCG for any tax related questions.

Stefan Brugger

Since 2015, Cosy has been advising me with the HR, Financial (insurance & pension fund) aspects of my company, including the setting up of my company, as well as the yearly Accounting and Tax returns, which takes a big load of work and worry off my back. I have referred him to many of my small business friends and acquaintances and will continue doing so!

Maya Chelmis

I got to know Cosy (of Swiss Consulting Guru) through a marketing research mandate of my former employer.
I am really grateful to have a 24/7 consultant and second opinion for my private stuff in financial services, investments and taxes.


Tibor Kranjc

Beginning with consulting in “numbers”, Swiss Consulting Guru advised us in various fields out of a wide range of knowledge. It helped us a lot, in daily business and in growing.


Business Angel

Get the freedom to succeed

Do you want to found a start-up, create a product, or…?

Working with a Business Angel gives you the freedom to focus on what you are best at. Swiss Consulting Guru has the necessary knowledge and financial power to consult you in the founding process. So that your business succeeds in the shortest possible time.

Turnarounds or punctual involvements for change are a key product of Swiss Consulting Guru. We give you creative solutions because one of our strengths is to think outside the box. We listen to your ideas and act as a sparring partner. We don’t stop until you are happy with our solutions.      


Out of the yearly statement, Cosy saw and advised me in the right directions closer to success.

Jonny Fischer

Swiss Consulting Guru is reliable, trustworthy, fast working and knowledgeable. It’s always pleasant to work with them.

Ninoslav Beljak

Through the help of Swiss Consulting Guru, actio bern (NGO) has the possibility, to help more clients.

Silja Haldemann


Accounting & Taxes

Optimize your accounting & taxes

Focus on what you are good at and leave the numbers to us. Swiss Consulting Guru has worked for more than 300 individual accounting and tax entities in Switzerland. Our clients’ fields are as diverse as the individuals who created their companies.

Specialized in SME’s, self-employed persons and private people, we know the needs and wants from our clients and learn with each individual.


When I started my own business last year, I was looking for a trustee who could answer all my questions around my business admin. Luckily I found Cosy who gave me great advice and helped me feeling prepared for success.

Sara Stocklin

Swiss Consulting Guru helped and guided me to my B-working-permit in really difficult circumstances.
Without the easy going and very responsible way of Cosy, it would have been a nightmare. Tnx a lot!

Marek Pavlíček
Czech opera singer & composer

Cosy from Swiss Consulting Guru has had my back from my very first steps into self-employment, answered every of the thousands „stupid” questions I had, and tailored a simple system for my simple business brain. I care more about my clients than I do about my taxes – it’s a load off my back. Since almost 10 years now, I can focus on what’s important to me.

Fabian Lüscher


About us

Together, we move forward


Each person has their own strengths. As a team, we are able to create something much bigger than an
individual can do. And we reach higher goals in a shorter period of time.

Swiss Consulting Guru
combines these strengths and leads your company to success. Our network
consists of professionals and specialists in every field. We only work with the
best of the best. 


Everybody is unique and equal. This is why we are convinced that we can learn from everyone. Listen carefully, observe, ask questions and act.



Cosy S. Fischer

Founder of cozy ltd in Nov. 2011
Consultant since March 2007

Higher education since 1998 in:
Basel, Lucerne, Freiburg i. B. (Germany), Bern, Zurich
BSc in Business Administration, specialized in Marketing
Master of Arts in Music, specialized in Accordion and Music Education

Father of 2 children

Life education mostly in:
Switzerland, Germany, Thailand, Indonesia, Canary Islands (Spain)

Creative since 1986
Born (1982) and raised in Switzerland



Arta Blumberga

IT-Consultant since 2020
Guiding and Consulting in Tourism since 2002

Higher education since 2002

Life education mostly in Latvia, Spain, Germany, Oman, Qatar

cozy ltd
St. Gallerstrasse 27
8400 Winterthur
Phone/WhatsApp/Telegram/Signal/Threema: +41 78 709 10 02

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